Sim-Ex practice exams for CCNA are made available for mobile devices. The app is available in both AppStore and PlayStore and having 400+ most relevant questions for thorough preparation. The only difference between the desktop version and mobile app is that the network simulation questions are not available in mobile app. This is due to small screen size of the mobile devices compared with desktop or lap top computers and it’s practically difficult to attempt simulation exercises on mobile devices such as iPhone.
The free CCNA app will have 25 questions with answers and explanations. The full app will have 400+ questions with flash card explanations. Check out the links below for mobile version of the CCNA app
1. Practice Exam app for CCNA (AppStore- Apple)
2. Practice Exam app for CCNA (PlayStore — Android)
Both free and full versions of the software are available. Other related practice exams available include CCST and CCNP.
Good luck!